Ascend to the Top With Our Managed Service Agency for Amazon Seller Accounts

The Amazon marketplace represents around 25% of all US e-commerce sales. This presents both an amazing opportunity and daunting challenge to brands of all sizes.

Join the Success Stories

Given the sheer size of Amazon, it's no wonder business owners struggle to gain sales traction and often in a panic, throw countless dollars away on inefficient advertising spend. It's also why many brand owners close their account within the first year of launching their first product.

Our agency was formed to help ensure your Amazon account flourishes. At Retail Sages, we have a relentless committment to excel in every aspect of the Amazon ecosystem. We're here so you can leverage our experience and knowledge of winning strategies to accelerate your sales and bring your brand's vision to vibrant life the quickest way possible.

  • Managed Services

    For the desired areas of your account, we develop strategy, deploy data-driven tactics and manage the day-to-day operations for maximum growth.

  • Hourly Packages

    Services on-demand available in 5-hour, 10-hour and 15-hour increments to address one-time or recurring deliverables as you scale your business.

  • 1:1 Consulting

    60-minute video conferencing sessions offer great opportunities for strategy discussion, issue resolution advice specific to your needs.

  • Consumer Polling

    Don't sell yourself short when it comes to listing content. Our team can leverage PickFu polls to A/B test new or hero products to bring you feedback straight from the consumer.

  • We offer solutions for both big and small brands selling on Amazon

    Our expert-level service offerings cover the whole Amazon Seller Central marketplace - from advertising PPC management to marketing to listing SEO optimization and everything in between. We're ready to conquer any challenge you face whether it's as exciting as a new product launch or as exhausting as setting up correct listing variations.

  • Account Audit

    Perfect FREE option to gain an understanding of the problem areas and opportunities for your account for efficient targeting of growth strategies.


Our Clients Love Us

Our goal is simple: consistently deliver for our clients and they'll keep coming back.

In short - we tie our success to the success of our clients.


Variation & Brand Protection Victories

Through meticulously combining variations and removing counterfeit sellers, this brand with 10000+ skus was able expand at a healthy pace.


Ads Keyword Champion

Through relevant keyword research aiding campaign breakouts and offensive strategy with Amazon Ads Support cases, the successes are ongoing with this brand.


Content Hero Helps this Brand Soar

Impactful SEO - from keywords to digital asset creation - positioned this seasonal brand for some sizable wins as it launched new products on Amazon.


Replen & Competitor Targeting Success

By instituting a proactive inventory management system to eliminate out-of-stock issues and aggressively targeting select competitors with ads, this brand saw some massive gains.

Buoy Boots

New-to-brand Strategy Rewarded

Through significant expansion and optimization of high-value non-branded and competitor keywords & ASINs, ad campaigns pulled in sizable sales growth with new-to-brand customers.

Sunday Afternoons

Listing Integrity & Imagery for the Win

A detailed and persistent approach to normalizing, connecting and enhancing variation listings that were in disarray has taken this brand's top product lines to the next level.

Immortal Fleur

Tactical Pricing & Ads Pay Dividends

Successful execution of a strategy that involved ensuring proper inventory levels, timely price adjustments and aggressive advertising on select keywords brought high sales even when the market search volume was down.

We Love Helping Brands Grow!

Outstanding Amazon Advertising & Seller Central Management for J2 Sport!

Their expertise in navigating the complexities of Amazon's platform has significantly boosted our online presence and sales. They are not only highly knowledgeable about Amazon's algorithms and best practices, but also approach every challenge with a strategic mindset that ensures we're always ahead of the competition.

We've seen improved rankings, increased visibility, and a higher conversion rate. Whether it's optimizing product listings, managing PPC campaigns, or handling the day-to-day operations of Seller Central, they've consistently delivered outstanding results.

We highly recommend Retail Sages to anyone looking to take their Amazon business to the next level. Their commitment, expertise, and results-driven approach make them an invaluable asset to our team.

- Melissa | Owner | J2 Sport

Connect with us Today!
  • We'll be your brand advocates!

    Your account will be managed by a consistent, core team that will get to know your brand inside and out.

  • Custom approach, always!

    The vision you have for your account is unique, which is why we develop and deploy plans to fit your needs.

  • Growth, obtained efficiently.

    We'll prioritize and execute on the best tactical and profitable solutions for every area of your account to maximize return.

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